
Monday, January 17, 2011


When my dad was asked how to best describe me he used the word "passionate." (He was at that moment talking about my work ethics... that when it's something I enjoy or 'get' I work really hard at it because I become passionate about it.) This was years ago, and at that time I smiled at that idea, but couldn't say I saw myself that way. However, now that I'm SUPER wise and in my 27th year (stop laughing) I will say that I have seen this to be true of myself in many instances. I know it's once again been a while since I blogged (I guess my passionate self has not completely gotten on board with blogging just yet..) so to give you some updates: About 4 months ago I was inspired to make my own headbands for Mia. I absolutely LOVE dressing her up and in my opinion, the headband is the must-have finishing touch. However, baby girl headbands can be EXPENSIVE! So instead of throwing away way too much money on this obsession, I was encouraged to make my own. Now steps in that passion I was referring to earlier. I got completely carried away... bought HUNDREDS of flowers for variety, even MORE plain headbands, ribbons, jewels, pearls... you name it; I bought it. Passionate. I would literally wait for Mark & Mia to head to bed, and pull close to all-nighters just making headbands and experimenting with ribbon. I'm pretty sure I became a terrible wife & mom during that time, because I was SO exhausted during the day and only ever wanted to work on my headbands! I ended up with literally hundreds of headbands and flower clips. This story does have a good ending, though.... I started to sell my excess and thus came my mini-wanna-be-business, Dainty Doll. I've actually doubled what I spent on materials and have lots extra to make more once this supply runs low. And I've gotten a handle on this "passion" and no longer make it my life. =) It's just a hobby now.

Which leads me to my current state. For the last few months I have been saving gift $$ from my birthday & Christmas to put towards a nice camera so I can take good quality pictures of my family. I had no idea how PASSIONATELY IN LOVE I was going to fall with this quick snapping, beautifully clear image making device! I am a photo-aholic. I can't stop snapping pictures of Mia (mostly because I think every single thing she does is adorable and NEEDS to be captured.) And just the other day my sister let me photograph she and her gorgeous daughter, miss Kaylie Anne. When we got home last night to start editing, I fell upon yet another passion - editing. Knowing full well that I was going to have to wake up at 5:15 am to bring them to the airport, I could not get myself to go to sleep. It was almost 2 am when my sweet husband wobbled out of the bedroom and knocked some sense in to me... "what the heck are you doing at 2 am!??" I had SO much fun taking the pictures and editing them. I am ancy for when my other two sisters and their cute kiddos come out so I can play all over again! All-nighters... here I come!!

After talking through this with my friend, Brittney, today we found a better word for it: Obessive Compulsive. =)

Whatever you call it - I'm having a blast!!


Megan said...

I caught the photo bug after my Lily was born too. Being able to take good quality photos of your kids is the best! You took beautiful photos of your sister and her daughter and I am sure she will really love them. If you haven't checked it out yet, try It has tons of great information and I have learned a lot from the site! :)

Jenalee said...

I loveee taking pictures too! Its so fun and a great way to capture a memory!

Mark & Rachel Streelman said...

Thanks for the tip, Megan! I'm gonna check it out =)